What is a Sutlery?
leather work, belts, shoes, messenger bags, bar & laundry soap, publications like newspapers, local food, fruit & vegetables, plus salt, sugar, flour, spices, tea, coffee, etc.
Though we do not travel in a covered wagon as those before us did, we do bring to market spices, aged and flavored sugars, salt of many colors, epicurean peppercorns and meat rubs.
Though we do not travel in a covered wagon as those before us did, we do bring to market spices, aged and flavored sugars, salt of many colors, epicurean peppercorns and meat rubs.
We, The Eddy family, of James Creek Sutlery, believe in supporting our troops. We honor those who have given of themselves both past and present. We honor them, because they defend our very lives, families, property and freedoms as found and defined in our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We honor them by keeping alive true history. We honor our troops beseeching God to place a hedge of protection around them and keep them from the trickery of the devil. We honor them by praying for those in authority over us that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. We honor them, simply because it is right. |